Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Second weigh in 9/11/2012

Things I did this week:  Followed my program as closely as possible; tracked every morsel I put in my mouth; didn't deprive myself in any way; didn't weigh myself AT ALL at home; WAS KIND to myself about this journey.  I also exercised a bit.  That is something I will ramp up as time goes on.

Here is today's photo post-weigh in (and post exercise):

 I lost 9.6 pounds this week.  HOORAY!!!

This week I want to continue to track and enjoy REAL food and (in moderation) adult beverages.  Another goal is to have at least three days where I do some sort of exercise for 30 - 45 minutes.    One of the ways I am going to do that is to watch my DVR'ed episodes of Real Housewives of....., and generally anything from BRAVO while riding my exercise bike.  I have purposefully ONLY recorded these particular shows on the TV in the room where the exercise bike is located.  The pull to watch those shows is strong enough to take me up there and get my exercise in while enjoying those shows.

The beginning of the loss

I have lost 100# three different times in my life, but have never seen it through to completion - getting to an optimum weight and learning to maintain.  LOSING WEIGHT is the easy part; KEEPING IT OFF has not been something I have accomplished.  This time will be different.  I am approaching it differently.  I am not having a self-prescribed cheat (read:BINGE) day like I have had on each weigh day of the previous 3 weight loss journeys. I am meeting with a (wonderful) therapist who is helping me with the "backstory" of my weight issues.  I AM NOT STEPPING ON A SCALE OTHER THAN AT MY MEETING.

This is my before picture, taken August 31, 2012.  I am not (emotionally) prepared to tell what my beginning weight is, but I am working on that.  Instead, I will post a new picture weekly with the amount of weight lost that week.

If you are reading this, please understand that I am using this as another accountability tool, and covet your prayers and good wishes for my journey.

I have taken the first step, and will not stop....